Taking Care of Business Consultancy

Consultancy, workshops, events and online programmes for employees at all levels to help organisations implement simple, human solutions to empower and engage working parents so they can better manage the emotional and logistical demands of career and family life.

When my son was born I wasn’t prepared for how tough it would be to reintegrate into the working world. I’d lost touch with my skills and abilities and was consumed by feelings of guilt, overwhelm and compromise.

In spite of the fact I’d spent a decade building a successful career in Communications, my personal and professional confidence hit rock bottom.

That experience gave me a strong sense of purpose in supporting working parents to regain personal and professional confidence, enhance wellbeing and achieve balance at home and at work so they can become happier and more successful.

Using a heart-centred approach, I consult with businesses that want to demonstrate they are an employer of choice by inspiring confidence, flexibility, support and awareness in the workplace for working parents and carers.

Committing to offering better support and flexibility for parents and carers enables a business to meet its goals, reduce costs and attract and retain exceptional talent. Being part of an organisation that creates a conscious culture in which parents and carers are supported means employees experience reduced stress, improved wellbeing and increased motivation which translates into higher levels of performance, productivity, and commitment to their employer.

Being a working parent is tough. Too many parents are struggling to achieve a healthy balance between nurturing their families and thriving within the careers they love. Too many employers are losing talented people who happen to be parents; for a whole host of reasons. It doesn’t have to be this way.

I leverage my skills and experiences as a professional and as a parent to enable businesses to meet their goals by embracing innovative, flexible and open ways of working and creating a conscious culture that bridges the gaps that exist in communication, awareness and support for working parents.

The business benefits are clear: supporting working parents leads to improved engagement, productivity and loyalty, better talent retention and acquisition, lower absence levels, reduced recruitment costs, better gender balance and so much more.

It is estimated that around 54,000 working mothers are leaving the UK workforce each year (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2016) and it doesn’t have to be this way. I’m working to change that figure, through simple and easy-to-implement strategies with far-reaching benefits for both the employee and the business.

To talk to me about how I could help your organisation, email ursula@mumbelievable.com or call 07782 506646.

“I haven’t felt like this, so upbeat and positive, for ages. I hadn’t realised how much I wasn’t like myself. I know it’s a cliché but I did feel lighter, like a weight was lifted on the journey home. I felt bubbly. Having the space and time to focus on confidence; reflect on my current feelings about myself, parenting and returning to work; and learning about and practising tools that can be used was brilliant. I feel so lucky to have been able to take part.” Jen, a marine biologist in a senior management role going back to work in 2017 after her first child