Mumbelievable cards
Available to buy now from the Mumbelievable shop!

Mumbelievable is about helping you to see and believe how incredible you are.
These sets of cards are little high fives to remind you (or the person you buy them for!) that you’re an amazing human being. They’re a source of empowerment, encouragement and reassurance for you, designed to help you reconnect with yourself and regain your inner confidence.
You need to buy these if:
- You’re a mum who wants to treat yourself to a confidence boost.
- There’s a mum in your life who needs to know how much they’re admired, appreciated and loved.
- You’re a Dad who wants to score serious brownie points.
- You’re looking for the perfect gift for a mum who should know she’s doing a hell of a job.
The cards also double up as postcards so you have the option to keep them yourself or give them to others to let them know they’re one hell of a mother. I love this feature!
They’ll speak to you at different times, when you’re going through different experiences and emotions. Pick a card that resonates with you the most and stick it on a mirror, the fridge, in your diary…anywhere you’ll see it.
Remind yourself often of that message and how it makes you feel.
As this becomes a habit, you’ll start to notice your mindset changing for the better. You’ll feel more positive, calm and in control.
Click here to buy now!
I am so proud of these cards and all that they’ll do. Thanks so much for your incredible support. It means so much to me. X
Product information:
- Each pack comes with 25 cards featuring a different confidence message, and they’re postcard sized.
- They come beautifully packaged in a muslin bag with a gorgeous tag and ribbon.
- The cards have a postcard backing so you can send them as cards to your mum friends when they need a boost. (LOVE this feature)
- Price: £12.95 per pack (plus £1.50 P&P)
Click here to buy now!