The Mumbelievables interview #2: Aby Moore

I’m beyond thrilled to have Aby Moore as this week’s Mumbelievables interview. Aside from the fact that she’s a hugely inspirational and incredible woman, Aby has built a full-time income from her brilliant family lifestyle blog You Baby Me Mummy and has now chosen to support up-and-coming bloggers to make their blogging dreams come true with her fabulous online courses and coaching.
Aby is also Britmums’ social media manager and half of online blogging magazine Live Love Blog. She is an award-winning blogger and has been a finalist in the BiBs for three years. She was a finalist in the Outstanding Contribution award at the MAD blog awards in 2016.
Here’s her interview. There are some serious wise words here. Enjoy, and be inspired!
Who are you? What makes you, you?
Hi, I’m Aby. Wife, mama, blogger and online course creator. I help people to develop their blogs so they can turn them into their business and give up the day job! I love to help people change their life through blogging, as it changed mine.
If someone else was to sum you up in five words, what do you think those words would be?
Loyal, driven, motivating, supportive, tired! Ha ha!
Who are the three most important people in your life, and why?
My husband, daughter and my best friend who’s is also a blogger. Obviously I love my family and I’m so lucky that I have such amazing friends in my life that are as close to me as family.
What are the three most important things in your life and why?
My family, my friends and my blog. I couldn’t live without any of them!
What does confidence mean to you?
For me, confidence is so precious. It can take a lot of time to build it up, yet it remains fragile and so it has to be protected. I feel clarity feeds into confidence. If you are clear about who you are and what you are about, confidence will follow.
How do you feel about yourself now compared to before you became a mum?
I feel much more untouchable. That’s not to say I don’t have worries, stresses or doubts; I have plenty! What I mean is, that I feel now that (however driven I am) nothing really matters apart from my family. I feel much stronger and more confident now.
What advice would you give to someone who doubts herself?
Self-doubt is so unproductive. We can all achieve great things if we want it enough. I feel we all have a unique gift to offer the world. It might take a while to work through what your super power is but you have one – believe it!
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life so far?
Ah, so many lessons! I think possibly the most important has been that real friends are always there, they don’t require maintenance – they are just friends through thick and thin. They are your tribe.
And finally, where is your happy place?
Can I have two?! 🙂 I adore being on the beach with my family especially (weirdly) in bad weather. I love the wildness of the beach when it’s windy and raining. My other place would be with my fingers on the keyboard of my Mac!
You can follow Aby @youbabymemummy on all platforms. Also, if you’re a blogger and you’d like to sign up for her FREE productivity course you can do so here. Join Project Productivity now!
This is such a lovely interview. I find Aby so inspirational, she always appears to have her s**t together but is always so open and honest when she doesn’t. And she is so generous with her advise. So many of us bloggers would be lost without her pearls of wisdom.
I couldn’t agree more! Her generosity is incredible, as is her support for the community. An utter legend. Thanks for reading lovely! #coolmumclub X
Love this post and love Aby Moore – so many wise words from the queen of blogging! Thanks so much for linking this up to #coolmumclub lovely xoxo
She’s a force of nature isn’t she?! And so generous with her advice and wisdom. Thanks for hosting #coolmumclub! Have a great week lovely lady Xxx
Oh I love Aby! I can often be found scouting out her website for a new tip or solution to a bloggy issue.
Great interview Hun, loved it xx