Welcome to Mumbelievable

Health and wellbeing for mamas

We’re Ursula and Tim Tavender. AKA Mummy and Daddy to a truly beautiful little soul – Xavier, our two year old boy.

Parenthood so far has been full of extremes.

Extreme joy, love and pride…and also extreme life adjustment, guilt and worry.

Becoming a parent has been – without question – the single best and most rewarding phase of our entire lives, but it’s also – again, without question – the toughest.

People who’ve already got kids come out with a million little gems while you’re expecting.

All well-meaning, but – let’s face it – you end up wanting to punch them in the face.

And you don’t get what they actually mean until much later…and then the penny drops.

It’s not easy to go from being the master of your day to being needed 24/7.

It’s not easy to make the identity shift from professional, high-achieving Wonder Woman who’s got her s*&t together to knackered Chief of washing up and sick/poo/toy clearance.

(Who’s also trying to work and look like she’s still got her s*&t together.)

Mumbelievable is about celebrating how utterly amazing Mums are, and about helping them to feel that way.

It’s about helping Mums to get more pieces of themselves back and feel more confident and gorgeous.

We might not be able to give you more time or fewer plates to spin, but we want to give you information about health, wellbeing, fitness and nutrition that will give you more energy, confidence and mental clarity and make parenting more enjoyable.

If you haven’t already, follow us on Facebook (@Mumbelievable) and Twitter (@mumbelievableuk) for the latest blog updates, guest posts, videos and offers.


Ursula and Tim

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Surely I should be skinny by now? What to do when results aren’t happening

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Confessions of a reformed (well...almost) chocaholic