Confidence workshops for mums heading back to work
Coming next month!

When my son, Xav was born I wasn’t prepared for how much of a hit my confidence would take. It didn’t really dawn on me until he was around a year/18 months old that I was a shell of a woman who desperately needed to remember who she was.
I’d forgotten everything that made me Ursula. I couldn’t have told you what skills I had or what my abilities are, and I felt selfish if I made time for exercise or anything else that would have involved me putting myself first. My confidence was truly at rock bottom.
To me it’s a travesty that so many mums (myself included) feel worse than ever about themselves after we have babies when the reality is that we should feel on top of the world. Having made a HUMAN BEING for crying out loud. We’re superheroes.
Mumbelievable has helped me put that period behind me and I’m still a work in progress but I’ve come a long, long way since those dark days.
It’s now my mission to help mums regain confidence and feel the way you truly deserve to. I’m over the moon to announce that Mumbelievable has partnered up with Be Dynamic Coaching and we’ve developed a series of confidence workshops for women returning to work after maternity or extended time out to have children this autumn.
Our one-day empowerment events are designed to help women build their confidence and go back into the workplace feeling strong, calm and in control.
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