My mission: to help a million mums feel the way they deserve to

Here it is. My public declaration. All this work I’ve been doing around confidence among mums has shocked and saddened me more than I was prepared for. But it’s also ignited a fire in me that has given me purpose. I can’t just do nothing when so many mums feel this way about themselves. I won’t.
So….here’s my mission. I want to help a million mums to feel the way they deserve to about themselves.
That’s right. A whole million. I might be crazy, but that’s what I’ll be spending 2017 doing.
I’m going to do this through the blog and content I write and share via the Facebook page, through products like the Mumbelievable cards (and other products coming soon) events and an online programme coming early in 2017.
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[…] part of my mission to help a million mums to regain confidence and feel the way they deserve to about themselves, I’m working with […]