LAUNCH: Mama’s back meet-ups for mums heading back to work
Are you thinking of heading back to work soon or have you returned within the past year? I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve teamed up with mind-set coach Donna Hubbard to launch local meet-up events for mums heading back into the world of work after time out to have children.

Coming soon: Feeling confident in the beauty and wellbeing products we buy (vlog series)
I’ve just found out that this week is the Soil Association Organic Beauty and Wellbeing week. So I thought now is a good time to let you know about a little project I’ve been working on as part of my mission to help mums feel more confident. When Xav was

How could your boss make the career/life juggle easier?
Last week I was invited to give the keynote speech at an NHS Return to Practice conference. It was thought-provoking and empowering to be in a room with brilliant professionals sharing a multitude of experiences of going back to work after a break to have children. Sometimes, even when the

The Mumbelievables #12: Rachel Daly of Mama’s Meals
I love this series. I started the Mumbelievables interviews to tell the stories of amazing women doing incredible things with their lives to empower and inspire us all, and every single one delivers in spades. It’s always fascinating to me to learn about the stories behind brands and businesses, and

The Mumbelievables #11: Ruth Kudzi
This week it’s an absolute pleasure to interview Ruth Kudzi, a business and confidence coach, speaker and blogger who specialises in working with mums who want to start up their own businesses tho give them a more flexible work/life balance. We share so much in common with our vision to

Do you ever look at other women and wonder how they do it?
Do you ever look at other women and wonder how they do it? Me too. All the time. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. I know it’s harmful and futile, but sometimes that vulnerability just creeps in, you know? I’ll give you an example. There’s a well-known parent blogger

The Mumbelievables #10: Grateful Mother
This week I’m over the moon to interview the brilliant Amy Bradshaw, founder of Grateful Mother and all-round inspirational human. Amy and I connected on the Mumbelievable Facebook page and I’m a huge fan of her work – particularly her passions for introducing children to the concepts of mindfulness and for

School places: Overjoyed or overwhelmed?
Last night my phone was alight with whatsapp messages from numerous gaggles of my fellow september-intake mums awaiting news of the school place announcement. Until the messages flooded in, it hadn’t occurred to me that it wasn’t just me being incessantly punched in the stomach yesterday every time I was

The Mumbelievables #9: Amy Stevens
This Mumbelievables interview is possibly my favourite yet. Not to take anything whatsoever away from the incredible women who have featured so far, but this one I guess is particularly close to my heart and carries such important messages around mental health and learning to build a healthy relationship with

The Mumbelievables #8: Mush Mums
It’s an absolute privilege to feature this week’s Mumbelievables guest. I’m a huge fan of the work she and her brilliant partner, Sarah Hesz are doing to tackle the epidemic of loneliness among mums, and this interview is packed with utter gems and inspiration. These girls are a force! Katie